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Prayers for Christian Unity


Updated: Aug 29, 2023


UNITY Prayer 1

Father in Heaven, as pastors we have grieved Your Holy Spirit. We have allowed, and maybe even caused, barriers and divisions of prejudice, bias, division to be established within the Body of Christ. We have disregarded the fact that Jesus prayed for us to be one. We have not been walked in who we are—one in You. In essence, we have chosen not to be an answer to what Jesus prayed-unity among us.

Forgive us for not being tolerant of one another’s differences, which are truly minor in comparison to what we have in common. Instead, we have been unbiblical, prejudice and un-Christ like in our attitudes as pastors. So, I start with myself. Forgive me of my own biases and unloving attitude that I have towards other pastors, who believe differently than I. Who am I to demand complete conformity to my own developed perspective of what a Christian should be? Forgive me for being quick to criticize my brothers and sisters in Christ. Forgive me for broadcasting our differences and denouncing others as unfit for fellowship. Forgive me for not seeking to discover our similarities in Christ, and not rejoicing that our citizenship is in heaven. Your very Word says that the world could be won to Christ if Your people simply would walk in unity. It starts with me, a pastor. Forgive me for being a hindrance.

Help pastors to see that what we have in common, far outweighs our differences. Help me Lord, to love my brothers and sisters as You have loved me. Help me to love without prejudice or bias. Help me to be an example to what it means to love the unlovable. And as I yield to You, help my brothers and sisters to find me easy to love.

We ask that You bind all pastors together in love, in the unity of spirit and the bond of peace. Guide us into all truth, including that You are no respecter of persons. It is also true that those who trust in Your sacrifice at Calvary are forgiven, citizens of heaven and accepted by You. So, help pastors to reflect on what we have in common and to choose to be answers to the prayer of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

UNITY Prayer 2

Lord, the Church has lost its way and pastors are partly to blame. We have been seeking strategies to build denomination bridges and interfaith uniformity. But we have strayed by neglecting to grow in unity. We have not sought to develop an overall Oneness among ourselves, especially as pastors.

Lord, forgive pastors for the lack of Christian unity and the lack of love we have towards other pastors. Forgive us because we are to blame that Your Church has lost its witness for Christ. We have compromised the truth of the gospel for a social agenda. We have prayed for peace without offering the world the Prince of Peace. As pastors we have not displayed that Your peace resides in us.

So, we ask that You build up pastors into a sanctified Body of under-shepherds. Help pastors to live in union with one another. Build us up into a fellowship of leaders who are set apart to serve You.

May reconcile by humbling ourselves to love each other as You love us. Help us, we pray, to grow in grace and in godly unity, by the power and aid of Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

UNITY Prayer 3

Father in Heaven, thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to be with us, to live in us and to guide us. We pray You would grant all pastors the spirit of wisdom and unity. We pray that we may be one, even as You are one with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and He with You.

Enable all Your servant-leaders to walk worthy of the calling whereby we have been called. Create within us a surrender to live and work together in love and unity. Use us individually and collectively. Help us to reflect Your love O, God, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray to be fruitful branches, and to bear much fruit for Your glory.

Help us to lead by example, to live together in unity, and to fellowship with one another. Lead us into the paths of peace and righteousness, so that we may be well pleasing in Your sight. Help us to love one another as Christ loved us. We pray that You keep us from doing anything out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. And may we, more times than not, humble ourselves and consider other pastors before ourselves. And, as You are with us, help us to be slow to anger and quick to walk in forgiveness.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


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